Technology For Education: VCE Software For Middle And High School Students

  • Supports the VCE Exam Simulator file format (files with the .vce extension)
  • Saving and restoring of testing sessions
  • Ability to include only test questions that were answered incorrectly one or more times
  • Store test result history
  • Detailed report of test results
  • Supports non-English characters

Technology For Education: VCE Software For Middle And High School Students

Parents of middle and high school students are always looking for best ways to help their kids learn and better understand academic concepts, and take the stress off high school tests while maintaining great performance. Avanset, a renowned software manufacturer, has the answer to these needs with VCE: the revolutionary testing software and convenient file format.

A Reliable Approach

Educators believe that not only is testing a way to check the student's progress, but also a valid approach to actually help them learn. Trying to answer a question, possibly failing and then remembering the correct answer, is a great way to learn things, putting them into one's long-term memory.

This testing approach has been around for a long time - with flash cards used to memorize foreign words, historic dates, chemistry formulas – you name it. Today, flashcards are replaced with interactive computer-based tests. The trouble with those is, however, that it's hard to find a test that targets EXACTLY what a learner needs at a particular stage. Avanset solves the problem by letting students and their parents create flexible interactive tests with its revolutionary software.

VCE Exam Format and Software

VCE Software allows users to create fully customized interactive exams to test the student's knowledge of a foreign language. It supports a wide range of question types, allowing for maximum flexibility of a test: multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, select and place / drag-n-drop questions, point and shoot questions (picking a point on the image), hot area questions (picking an area out of the few options given), create a tree of questions, build list and reorder, drop and connect questions.

Turning any test into an interactive exam is easy as VCE Exam Suite allows users to import questions from various file formats, including txt, rtf, PDF. So, basically, all you need is a typed up set of questions, which you can either get directly from textbooks, internet, or your teacher.

VCE Software allows embedding images in the exam questions and answers, making VCE tests perfect for geometry, natural sciences, geography and just about any other subject. Moreover, the software allows users to play other VCE files, which can be downloaded online.

The VCE software provides users with the convenience of saving the current testing session and coming back to it later. You can also review the testing history; go back to the questions that hadn't been answered correctly and more. VCE Software supports all non-English characters, so it can be easily used by non-English speakers in their native language, as well as for foreign language tests.

VCE Software comes in two options, so students and their families can choose one that best meets their needs. If all you need is playing VCE files created by others and practice in a simulated tested environment, then VCE Exam Simulator BASIC is right for you. But if you consider creating your own VCE files and editing them, then opting for VCE Exam Simulator PRO is the way to go. If you're not sure which option of the software is right for you, please consult Avanset's FAQ section.

VCE Software For Middle and High School Students

VCE Software allows users to create and play interactive exams – either on their desktop or mobile device (Avanset offers versions for iOS and Android). Featuring a variety of features, these tests are convenient and dynamic – something very important so kids and teens do not get bored. With the option of going back to questions that hadn't been answered correctly, students can learn from their mistakes. As the software supports a number of file formats to be converted in the interactive VCE files, you will never experience the problem of not having enough tests. Any test file you have in PDF, txt or other wide-used supported formats can be turned into an interactive test.

This tool becomes priceless for high school standardized exam practice, PSATs, SATs or similar – helping students learn, practice and get the confidence they need to perform well at school.

How it works

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Free Demo Limits: In the demo version you will be able to access only first 5 questions from exam.

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